Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Image of ASCA Members

New Group Members are always Welcome

Our Patient Group meets every three months. We welcome patients' involvement in planning and shaping our services as well as discussing proposed changes to health care provision both locally and nationally.

We aim for a wide cross-section of patients with different ages, needs and backgrounds - young people, workers, parents, single people, retired people, those with long-term health conditions and people from different ethnic groups.

Please get in touch if you would like to join the group.


Next Patient Participation Group Meeting

  • Monday 3rd June 2024 at 6pm

Latest Meeting Minutes: 08/01/2024

Attendees: Dr An Poelvoorde (GP), Kajal Shah(Assistant Practice Manager), Ruth dar (PPG Member), Pamela Cook  (PPG Member),Lurleen Johnson (PPG Member),  Danica Stefanovic  (PPG Member), David Freedman (PPG Member), Yvonne Douglas (PPG Member), Lousie Sless (PPG Member), Michael Adeyeye (PPG Member)

Minutes from the last meeting

  • Discussion around the use of the clinical pharmacist in the surgery.  
  • We have a pharmacist everyday who works from home and soon we will have one working from the surgery.
  • You can speak to the pharmacist for any medication queires and can book online or via reception.

Staff Leaving

  • Patsy (The Practice Manager) has now left the practice to pursue other avenues, but Dr An will be the managing partner alongside Kajal (Assistant Practice Manager). Together Dr An and Kajal will run the surgery together.

New Website

  • The new website is up and running now and new features have been added.
  • PPG minutes will also be added to the website.
  • The website has lots of new features such as how to self-refer to organisations and lots of information about the surgeries new services.
  • Kajal (Assistant PM) has asked PG members to have a look at the website and give her feedback of what it is like and how easy it is to navigate around the website. We welcome any suggestions.

Different Services offered

  • We have a range of different services that we are offering to patients such as  NHS health checks for ober 40 years old.
  • We provide ECG’s for patients on blood pressure medication.
  • There is telephone consultations and soon face-to-face consultations with the pharmacist at the surgery for medication reviews.
  • There are mental health services at the surgery. We currently have a mental health liaison nurse for adults every Monday’s where you can be booked in via the GP or the reception. There is also a Children’s mental health practitioner every Wednesday for children.
  • There are social prescribers in the practice which the GP can refer you too or you can book via the reception. The social prescribers can help you with filling in forms such as disability, blue badge forms.

New HUB Hours

  • We have discussed how the HUB actually works and what the ocre hours are.  Posters have been put up in a the surgery about this and the hours are also posted on the website. 
  • To book with the HUB, you just need to speak with the reception and they willbook you in.
  • The HUB deals with minor conditions and uses locum GP’s.  If you have a chronic issue or an on-going issue, then it is better to book with your own GP, but the HUB is there for patients who have minor conditions and can be seen on the same day or next day, outside GP hours.
  • The HUB is also operating during GP core hours which patients can book into.  This is helping to reduce wait time for GP’s, allowing them more time to help patients with chronic problems.
  • The HUB GP’s are able to see your medical notes on the system when they see you and your consultation with them is passed to the GP.

DNA Notice

  • We have started putting the poster back up of how many people miss their appointments with the GP.  

GP’s calling patients

  • There was discussion around the GP’s calling patients and only letting the phone ring for about 3-4 rings. As some patients find it difficult to get to the phone, solution is to let it ring more so it gives patients a chance to answer the phone.

Next Meeting: Monday 3rd June 2024